
  • Absa Access

    With Absa Access online banking, you can access your corporate accounts at your comfort.

    It’s a quick, convenient and secure online solution that provides access at any time, wherever you are in the world.


  • Key benefits

    • Integrated functionality - Through simple and easy access to a core operating platform designed for corporate and business banking clients, you can access a range of products and services through one interface
    • Integrated security - Multiple security features are integrated to provide maximum security
    • Integrated expertise - The most advanced technology available, coupled with the best minds in the industry and in-depth research on client requirements
    • Integrated view - You can view all your accounts across Africa through one web application
    • Integrated service – We are committed to providing you with the best customer service and support for all your electronic banking requirements
    • Integrated host solution: Absa Access Host offering secure transmission of payment and account information through a secured data channel from Enterprise Resource Planning Applications (e.g. SAP, Oracle, etc.)
  • Features

    • Internet based and thus eliminates the need for software distribution
    • Provides online access to up-to-date statement information on Absa accounts held within all countries within the Absa Group
    • Provides statement and transaction search facility
    • Provides online access to: group balance reports, individual account balance reports and end-of-day balance
    • Exports all statement information to a treasury workstation for reconciliation purposes
    • Enables real-time transfer of funds between Absa accounts
    • Payment to non-Absa beneficiaries authorised prior to the specified time will be in the beneficiaries’ accounts on the following business day and for value, the same day
    • Payments effected through Absa Access online are bank-guaranteed payments, that are received as “cleared funds”
    • Enables electronic payment to ad hoc/nominated beneficiaries
    • Supports different types of payments - local, inter-account transfer, urgent, local recurring and SWIFT (cross border)
    • Supports mandate-driven collection from counterparty
    • Executes payments from anywhere around the world
    • Updates beneficiary profiles in real time


Cash Deposita helps you manage your liquidity easier. It's a cash accepting device that provides secure collection and processing of cash notes within your business environment. This device registers each note deposited using an automated cash acceptance device and transmits a message via GPRS to a data centre that receives, identifies each transaction and sends a credit to the client’s account real-time that could be seen immediately on Absa Access online.

This is right for your business if:

  • You handle high volumes and values of cash
  • You have your cash position tied in CIT and bank processing TAT

Cash Deposita supports your business by:

  • Providing a timely settlement of cash value deposited into the clients bank account(real time realization of value)
  • Providing improved electronic cash management and reconciliation services
  • Providing a secure safe and speedy cash processing method
  • Providing notes count and validation at point of tender
  • Providing an alternative “out of the branch” deposit channel for corporate customers
  • Adopts current CIT process and use AOO for transaction processing


Outgoing transactions
Outgoing transactions (customer account debited)
Service type Cut-off times (CAT) Application of value date
Cash and cheque transactions
Banker’s cheque/draft 15:30 Account debited on day of issue
Cash delivery company’s fffice

Instruction to be received by the branch at least one working day before the day of delivery

(Cash will not be delivered after 15:00)

Account debited on day of delivery
Cash out branches Branch hours Account debited on day of withdrawal
Customer cheque printing Payment files must be received by the bank 2 working days before cheque beneficiary due date
Banker’s cheques⁄drafts: account debited on the day of issue if issued before 15:00, or the following business day if posted by 15:00
Domestic and international transactions
Domestic book transfer 15:30 (branch)⁄21:00 (online) Account debited/credited same day. Funds available immediately.
Bulk mobile disbursement 21:00 (online) Account debited/credited same day. Funds available immediately.
Domestic non-urgent/ACH payment 14:00 (online)/16:00 (branch) Account debited and delivered to counterparty bank same day (D)
Domestic urgent/RTGS payment 15:00 (branch)/15:30 (online) Account debited and delivered to counterparty bank same day (D)
International payments via SWIFT 12:00 (ZAR)/15:00 (other currencies) Account debited same day (D) and credit delivered to counterparty bank on D+2
Payroll/Salary payments 10:00 Accounts debited/credited on D
Standing order 14:00

Absa Bank Botswana accounts debited/credited on instruction date specified (D)

Payments to other bank's account debited on instruction date specified (D) and credit delivered to counterparty bank on D+4

Stop-payment instruction Branch hours Instruction will complete immediately as long as the transaction has not been completed
SWIFT MT101 outbound 15:00 Account debited same day (D)
Online Is the Absa online banking facility
Business day Is a day in Botswana on which banks are generally open for business, excluding weekends and local public holidays.
CAT Is Central Africa Time, which is a time zone used in central and southern Africa that is two hours ahead of UTC/GMT.
Cut-off time Is a time by which Absa must receive a payment instruction or a payment into an account if it is to be processed that day.
D, D-x, D+x
D means the day on which Absa receives a funds transfer or a payment instruction, or if this is after a cut-off time or on a non-business day, the next business day. D–x means x business days before D. D+x means x business days after D.  
RTGS Real-time gross settlement system, a payments system in which processing and settlement takes place in real time (continuously), i.e. as each transaction is cleared its value is also settled between the two banks.


  • Key benefits


    Cost effective

    • More cost effective than changing cash or buying and changing travellers’ cheque


    • Instant access to your money through ATMs and point-of-sale payments
    • Cards can be given to up to 5 people in your business
    • Accepted in more than 28 million outlets worldwide


    • The easiest way to book and pay in advance for business trips and supplies
    • Worldwide acceptance wherever the Visa logo is displayed
  • Safety features


    These features give added security to your chip-and-PIN Business Debit Card, which provides you with peace of mind when making purchases:

    • Enhanced security - Embedded chip helps protect and secure your personal information
    • Your PIN - Your secret PIN helps to validate purchases

    Card number

    • Use your unique card number when making online or telephonic payments

    To be extra safe when using your chip-and-PIN debit card

    • Sign the back of your card as soon as you receive it
    • Never write your PIN on the actual card or any item that could be lost or stolen
    • Never allow anyone to use your card and PIN
    • Check your statements and transactions regularly to identify any fraudulent activity
  • What to do if you lose your card

    • You can stop your card immediately by calling Absa Bank Botswana on + 267 3159 524
    • Your card will be cancelled and a new chip-and-PIN debit card will be issued to you at your nearest branch


    • Cut down on the administration involved in reconciling cash and personal card expenses
    • Budget friendly- Keep track of all your business expenditure in your statement


  • Key benefits

    The prepaid cash management solution enables a corporate entity to order and distribute cards to individuals who can spend funds locally in the
    country of issue or internationally. 
    • Efficiency - no need to draw large amounts of cash or sign and distribute cheques
    • Security - built-in fraud protection through chip and PIN
    • Control and accountability - get a complete audit trail and detailed electronic reporting
    • Flexibility - cards can be reloaded on demand and used both locally and internationally
  • Safety features

    • With a front-end internet-based system provided to all corporates, we put corporates in control of their own prepaid programmes.
    • The corporate has the ability to order, load, block and replace cards with minimal to no intervention from the bank.
    • The cardholder portal gives cardholders the opportunity to manage their cards from their comfort zone. Cards can be blocked and statements viewed online.


We offer cash collections via: 
  • Direct debit – files initiated through online banking or through Host to Host
  • Cash collections – at the branches through a CIT company, with the provision of overnight safe deposit services where required
  • Card Acquiring – our point-of-sale machines collect from Visa, MasterCard, Union Pay, AMEX
  • e-Commerce – customised virtual collection solution tailored to your needs
Incoming transactions
Incoming transactions (customer account credited)
Service type Cut-off times (CAT) Application
Cash and cheque transactions
Cash/Cheque bulk collections 15:30 Cash: account credited and funds available on day of collection.
Cheques are subject to local clearing times.
Cash paid in at bank 15:00 Account credited same day. Funds available immediately.
Doorstep banking/On-site teller 15:00 Cash: account credited and funds available same day (D)
Cheques are subject to local clearing times
Cheque deposit – local currency 15:30 Cheques drawn on Absa Bank Botswana are credited to the account and cleared on D+2
Cheques drawn on other local banks are credited to the account and cleared on D+3
Funds are available on day of clearing
Cheque deposit – foreign currency 15:30 Cheques drawn on overseas banks are credited to the account and cleared D+6 weeks on all major currencies
Funds are available on the day of clearing
Cheque deposit – foreign cheque collection Branch hours Account credited and funds available on the day
the funds are received from the drawer’s bank
Domestic and international transactions
Domestic electronic funds transfer 14:00 Account credited on the day of receipt and funds available immediately
International inward receipt 15:00 Account credited and funds available on day of receipt
Domestic direct debits 13:00 (BI)/15:00 (Branch) Account credited and funds available on the collection due date
SWIFT MT101 inbound 15:00 Account credited and funds available on day of receipt


How does it work?

We understand the importance of efficient cash management.

By consolidating your cash, you’ll know just how much cash you have and can decide whether to use it for internal funding, reducing borrowing costs or investing surpluses. We’re also able to consolidate balances held at other banks via MT101 sweeping, as well as provide visibility of balances held at other banks through MT940 reporting.

Define your own automated cash sweeping between multiple bank accounts, with reduced administration time and cost.

Your relationship team will work with you to make sure you are getting the best return on your funds. They can help you use our range of investment products, from call accounts, tiered call accounts to fixed deposits, and structured deposits offered through our markets team.


If interest is payable on an account, the time from which interest becomes payable on funds credited to an account depends on how the funds were received.

Type of payment to an account Interest payable
Cash and electronic payments in BWP Accrued daily and paid monthly
Cash and electronic payments in other currencies Accrued daily and paid monthly
BWP cheques drawn on an Absa Bank Botswana account and paid in at a Botswana branch of Absa Accrual from day of cleared value (D+2)
Cheques in other currencies or drawn on a non-Absa Bank Botswana account Accrual from day of cleared value (D+3)
Need more help?

Call us on:
+2673159575 (Contact centre)
0800 600 444 (BTC Toll Free)
150 (Mascom Toll Free)

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